Rosin Market Brief In Jiangxi Province (Nov 25th,2003) [New]

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Most rosin manufacturers in Jiangxi province belief that the current rosin market has already run on the right track, at present, rosin market was expected to keep stable in the area until the end of the year.
     Most rosin producers in Jiangxi province came from others area in China, they have leased pine tree from local people to produce rosin raw material, and therefore, the cost of rosin in the area is cheaper and the profit is higher than other areas. Lot of small rosin producers have undersold theirs product with acceptable price and disturbed the market in the area, at present, rosin price in the area is 4100-4200RMB/ton (ww grade, steam method, EXW).
     Jianxi province has badly hit by long-term drought in August, but the total output of rosin in the area still equal to last year, because the end of rosin raw material production will be postpone to the end of the month and more pine tree is available for producing rosin raw material in the area.
     The depression of camphor industry in the area has a negative on turpentine oil market, however, more and more terpene resin factories were set up in the area and enlarged the demand of turpentine oil, further more, Jiangxi province border upon Fujian province which has great demand on turpentine oil, turpentine oil always sell well in the area. At present, turpentine oil price is about 4050RMB/ton (super grade, EXW).



